About Fandango at Home - Movies & TV
Discover some reasons why you'll love Fandango at Home:
A movie library on your phone? Fandango at Home makes it all possible. All your movies and TV shows can now be found on your phone, and yes, even the brand-new ones! Our library can also keep you busy for ages: with over 250,000 movies and shows, and new ones coming out every month, you'll always have something to enjoy.
Stream, rent, or own? Download and watch offline? Do you want to pay? You get to decide exactly how you want to watch your TV shows and movies.
Movies, for free. (Really.) With Movies On Us, a Fandango at Home exclusive, you can watch thousands of movies with limited and short commercials, and not have to pay.
If you buy or rent a movie or a TV show, Fandango at Home lets you download it on your phone. Enjoy your library offline! And forget about buffering: you won't depend on a flimsy Wi-Fi signal to stream anymore.
Only pay for what you want to watch. Don't pay for a catalogue of shows you don't want to watch: get only what you want.
You already own a physical copy of a movie? With Disc to Digital, scan a UPC and convert hard copies into digital format in one click only. Download what you own and enjoy your movies offline.
Fandango at Home is supported by Google Chromecast. That's right, you don't have to limit yourself to your phone screen: go big and watch your new movie on your home TV set.
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Old Versions of Fandango at Home - Movies & TV
Fandango at Home - Movies & TV FAQ
1. What is Fandango at Home?
Fandango at Home is a streaming service that allows users to rent or purchase movies and TV shows. It offers a vast library of content, including new releases and classic favorites, which can be streamed on various devices without requiring a subscription. Users can enjoy thousands of titles, including options in 4K UHD.
2. How do I create an account for Fandango at Home?
To create an account, visit the Fandango at Home website or download the app on your device. You will need to provide some basic information, including your email address and a password. Once registered, you can browse the available content and make purchases or rentals.
3. Can I watch movies for free on Fandango at Home?
Yes, Fandango at Home offers a selection of ad-supported movies and TV shows that you can watch for free. Additionally, you can rent or buy new releases and popular titles. The platform allows you to pay only for the content you choose to watch, making it flexible for users.
4. What devices are compatible with Fandango at Home?
Fandango at Home is compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and streaming devices like Roku and Apple TV. You can access the service through the Fandango at Home app or via a web browser on your device.
5. How do I manage my rentals and purchases on Fandango at Home?
You can manage your rentals and purchases by logging into your Fandango at Home account. From there, you can view your purchase history, access rented titles, and manage your library. The app also allows you to easily find and watch your content on various devices.