aDownloader - torrent download
Jul 12, 2024Latest update
About aDownloader - torrent download
aDownloader is a native bit torrent downloader based on P2P protocol, it is based on libtorrent, and use OpenSSL.
aDownloader is also a HTTP downloader with break-and-resume feature, suitable to download large size using direct HTTP link.
Video preview download mode, preview videos in minutes.
Play Now, let you seek to the middle of a video to watch.
User-defined search engines management.
Pieces progress view.
Tracker editing
Peer details
aDownloader is also a HTTP downloader with break-and-resume feature, suitable to download large size using direct HTTP link.
Video preview download mode, preview videos in minutes.
Play Now, let you seek to the middle of a video to watch.
User-defined search engines management.
Pieces progress view.
Tracker editing
Peer details