About Crazy Eights - emoji card game
Crazy Eights - Emoji Card Game
Dive into the classic card game with a twist of emojis! This engaging version of Crazy Eights brings a vibrant and colorful experience to your fingertips. Collect unique characters and create your very own avatar to represent you in the game.
Crazy Eights is a popular card game that shares similarities with games like Switch, Mau-Mau, and Uno. In this exciting variation, each player starts with 5 cards. Players can place cards of the same color or figure as the previous player's card. Special cards add an extra layer of thrill and strategy to the gameplay.
One of the most intriguing aspects of this game is the wild eights. Every eight card can be played at any time during your turn, regardless of the current card on top. You just need to specify a new suit, and the next player must either play a card of that suit or another eight. The ultimate goal is to be the first player to discard all your cards.
Join the fun and enjoy countless hours of entertainment with friends and family!