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Green Street: An Integrated Platform for Returning to Farming
Green Street, launched in July 2023, is a comprehensive platform for those interested in returning to farming. Operated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Food Education and Culture Information Center (Return to Farming Center), this platform provides a wide range of resources and services.
Comprehensive Guide to Returning to Farming
Green Street offers guidance on the procedures involved in returning to farming, including self-diagnosis tools. It also provides consultation information and online counseling services for individuals considering a return to farming. The platform includes a news section and a data room where you can find the latest notifications and relevant information about returning to farming.
Detailed Information on Policies and Resources
The platform offers extensive information on various aspects of returning to farming. This includes details on policies, housing and farmland options, economic opportunities, job prospects, funding sources, educational programs, cultural activities, health services, and welfare benefits. All information is organized by subject, step, or theme to make it easy to navigate.
Educational Programs and Experiences
Green Street facilitates both online and offline educational programs tailored to rural areas. These programs are designed to provide valuable knowledge and skills for those looking to return to farming. Additionally, the platform offers guidance and applications for experience programs, such as living in rural areas, which can help newcomers better understand and adapt to their new environment.
Regional Government Support
Local governments play a crucial role in supporting those who wish to return to farming. Green Street provides basic information and local consultation services related to returning to farming from different regions. It also highlights local government policies and homes available for returnees, along with notification services to keep users informed about regional developments.
Community Services
Green Street fosters a supportive community for returnees. By establishing and operating communities based on region, age, and topic, it helps connect individuals with similar interests and experiences. This community aspect ensures that users have access to a network of support and shared learning opportunities.
Expert Advice and Q&A
The platform connects users with experts in various fields related to returning to farming. Users can engage in one-on-one Q&A sessions with intellectuals and experienced locals in their respective regions, providing personalized advice and guidance.
Local Writers
Local writers are selected for each village to document and share the unique values of their communities. They cover topics such as village introductions, return-to-farming success stories, local culture, and tourist attractions. This adds a personal touch to the platform, helping new residents feel more connected to their new home.