About 她扶

YiMaa (Name used before:FloMe、CycleDiary) is an expert for period health, which is designed for girls., of which function is to help young ladies record and calculate your period, with knowledge and reports to help you realize your female period more clearly.

#All-respects report analyzing female periods,girls health expert#

It can help you calculate and remind your female period, recording your health details, such as emotion, sexual behavior, symptoms, cervical mucus, and weight. This can help you form a good habit to let you know your health when it is necessary.

#Useful knowledge for the female period, girls should look#

What is the female period? Why girls have menstruated? How do we deal with dysmenorrhea? We have connected many articles for the female period, to let you know the female period in no time. You can download this app to solve your problem.

#three modes for different patterns care#

You can choose three modes, such as tracking menstrual period, contraception and pregnancy preparing.

Tracking menstrual period: to know your health and symptoms when you encounter premenstrual syndromesSafety.

Contraception: to know the safety period or not, controlling pregnancy.

Pregnancy preparing: to conceive more healthily and quickly.

Accompany you from girls to women and give you the warmest care.

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