Jul 01, 2024Latest update

Package Infomation

  • Package
  • LanguagesView 90 items
  • Requires Androidv7.1.1 (v25)
  • Content RatingEveryone
  • Architecturearmeabi-v7a
  • PermissionsView 26 items
  • SignatureView
  • Target SDK Version33

Netflix FAQ

1. How can I modify my Netflix subscription plan through an Android device?

Navigate to the Netflix website and adjust your plan by choosing Profile > Account > Plan details > Change plan.

2. What is the process for enabling subtitles in Netflix?

For subtitles in Netflix, select the video, tap Audio, and choose your desired subtitle option from the menu.

3. How can I view Netflix's future releases?

Discover Netflix's upcoming releases by tapping News > Coming soon; a list of the next few months' anticipated content will be displayed.

4. How do I save episodes for offline viewing on Netflix?

To download Netflix content for offline use, locate the desired content, tap the three dots, select Download episode, and wait for the download to complete.

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