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Package the iOS IPA File

Prepare the knowledge

The IPA file, that is, the installation package file of the iOS application, has the extension .ipa. Whether the IPA file can be correctly packaged is the key to determining whether the IPA file can be correctly installed after being uploaded. The following explains how to properly package IPA files for iOS applications.

The IPA file for the application can be generated in two ways:

  1. Use the command line xcodebuild exportArchive-exportFormat ipa to complete
  2. Use Xcode to package

Since the second method is simple and fast, and is also used by most users, the second method is mainly explained here.

Package IPA files using Xcode

  1. In Xcode, set the compiled target machine to iOS Device
  2. Then click ProductArchive
  3. After the Archive succeeds, you can see the corresponding files in Xcode's Organizer
  4. Click the Distribute App button in Archive Information
  5. Click Next, Xcode will automatically attach the signature information of the test device, and export the corresponding IPA file.

In the dialog box that is displayed, you need to select the certificate type as follows:

  • If you are using a personal or corporate Apple Developer account ($99), select Ad Hoc
  • If you are using an Enterprise Apple Developer account ($299), select Enterprice

Note: Please do not select "iOS App Store", otherwise it will not be able to install through PGYER.

For a description of the Apple developer account, please visit: iOS app Certificate selection