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Add Device UDID


Note: This article is for iOS developers who only have an Apple personal developer account, corporate developer account, or education developer account.

For developers without an enterprise developer account ($299), using PGYER to distribute their apps to other users' iOS devices can only be done by adding the UDID of the device to be installed to the app's mobileprovision file. This article explains how to correctly add the UDID of an iOS device to the mobileprovision file of an application.

For a description of Apple developer account types, see: iOS App Certificate Selection

1. Get your iOS device's UDID:

PGYER offers a very convenient feature that can help developers quickly get the UDID of a device. Concrete article: for iOS device UDID

2. Generate Provisioning Profile:

After the access to the device UDID, then log on to the apple developer website, please follow the steps below, Add the UDID of the device on which you want to install the test app:

  1. Add a distribution certificate. Add a new certificate by clicking Distribution in the left navigation bar Provisioning Profiles:
  2. Select Ad Hoc
  3. Select an App ID. Select the ID of the App you want to install
  4. Select a certificate
  5. Select the test device that you want to install
  6. Set a name for Provisioning Profiles
  7. Download the Provisioning file to a local computer

At this point, the Provisioning Profile is complete. At present, the generated file is the file that contains the device UDID. Next, we need to import this file into Xcode and then repackage the application installation package (.ipa file).

3.Import Provisioning Profile to Xcode

Importing the Provisioning Profile file is very convenient. You only need to double-click the Provisioning Profile to import Xcode. After importing Xcode, developers can see the new Provisioning Profile name in the Building Settings - Provisioning Profile section of the project.

4. Package the application installation package (.ipa file)

After Provisioning Profile is set up, a new Provisioning Profile can be used to generate a new application installation package. PGYER provides details on how to generate an application installation package. See IPA file for packing iOS

5. Upload the application installation package (.ipa file) to RGYER

The application installation package generated in this way, after being uploaded to PGYER, can be installed by devices that have added UDIDs. After such an application is uploaded to PGYER, PGYER will display as a beta and a list of UDID included in the installation package's Provisioning Profile.

For details on how to upload an app installation package to PGYER, see App Upload.