Pgyer document center

Electronic Invoice FAQs

What is e-invoice?

Electronic invoice refers to the receipt and payment voucher issued by PGYER to the purchaser in electronic storage (generally in PDF format) when the user purchases the products or services provided by PGYER.

How to insert the electronic invoice issued by PGYER into the wechat card package/Alipay invoice manager?

  1. Click the invoice in the account setting, enter the invoice module, you can see the invoice that has been applied.
  2. Move the mouse pointer to the QR code icon in the operation bar to display the QR code. Just scan the QR code with wechat or Alipay.
  3. If the requested order contains more than one invoice, click on the invoice to enter the invoice details.
  4. At the bottom of the page, move the mouse to the QR code icon to display the QR code. Just scan the QR code with wechat or Alipay.

What are the advantages of electronic invoice issued by PGYER?

  1. Real-time and fast. From the successful application to the successful issuance of invoices, within 1 hour, users can purchase PGYER products, in a short time to easily obtain electronic invoices.
  2. Convenient operation. You can log in the PGYER website at any time to check and download the invoice information with electronic signature.
  3. Authenticity is easy to argue. Electronic invoices support network verification, reducing the risk of receiving fake invoices.
  4. Prevent loss. The invoice is printed with the use, there is no limit to the printer and paper, there is no limit to the number of printing times, and there is no need to worry about the loss of the invoice affecting the rights protection or reimbursement.

Do I need to print the e-invoice?

After users obtain the electronic invoice issued by PGYER, they can print it themselves and submit financial reimbursement or make accounts, and its effect is equivalent to that of traditional paper invoices.

Does e-invoice have legal effect?

Electronic invoice is a completely legal invoice clearly stipulated by the State Administration of Taxation Announcement No. 84 of 2015.

How effective is the use of e-invoice?

The same effect as a traditional paper invoice. The legal effect, basic use and basic use regulations of electronic invoices are the same as those of ordinary VAT invoices supervised by tax authorities. Print in black and white or in color.

Printed black and white electronic invoices have legal effect

  1. The drawee can print (color, black and white can be) the format document of the electronic invoice on the paper of his own choice, and its legal effect, basic use and basic usage regulations are the same as the ordinary VAT invoice supervised by the tax authority.
  2. Electronic invoice can be printed as invoice copy, bookkeeping copy and other vouchers.

Difference between electronic invoice and paper invoice

  1. Electronic invoice breaks through the concept of traditional paper invoice. Adopt electronic signature to realize invoice signature and electronic seal, and realize the uniqueness, non-repudiation and tamper-proof of electronic invoice.
  2. Transfer and save the invoice contents through digital media, which can be transmitted to the recipient through network, mobile communication and other means.